You can defend yourself from an event, but you cannot defend yourself from prejudice and ulterior motives. In this blog I would like to re-classify one form of spirit possession as an event to allow people who are being oppressed to be liberated.
We are looking at possession here as a game that is played to get revenge on someone, attempting to force an agenda on a channel. Living people in this game go out of body onto the astral plane, and attempt to intimidate or defraud someone with the psychic gift of prophecy out of something of value, or to put the individual into a mental institution for illicit gain.
This has been going on for a very long time, but not recognized, because of the stigma associated with "hearing voices." Our culture does not understand psychic gifts very well. Many people look at channels with suspicion, and oftentimes judge channels as charletans. But channeling is another name for prophet. In Biblical times, prophets were respected. (Consider that all the major religions of the world were created by prophets!)
Going out of body onto the astral plane is a gift from God, also, but it can be turned against the principles associated by using it to oppress, and possess others.
When you are on the astral plane, you are invisible, although some people on the third dimension can see the people, like the boy in the movie, "The Sixth Sense." If you are invisible, you may believe you can act with inpunity. The channel has no apparent defense, especially if many entities surround you on a constant basis.
This game is based on revenge; actually it would be considered a "psychic genocide," because it is based on judgment, and it keeps drawing in more and more people. They are always there, making disparaging remarks. They can read your mind, know all your thoughts, and constantly judge. Mankind is not yet ready for telepathy! They know your PIN numbers and passwords, and your mother's maiden name. They make horrific sounds, and follow you into the bathroom and shower. You are not alone, even in the middle of the night. They take your thoughts and words, and twist them.
Revenge is a conglomeration of five games people plan to gain power and prestige. The first is the game of Pride, and the person who plays it does so because he or she believes he has the right to put another down. Putting someone down draws in the next person, who plays the game of Envy. That person believes he or she can cast aspersions--character defamation--on the person who has been put down. That draws in the third person, who believes he can take something of value from that person who have been judged. Then that draws in the person who plays the game of Lust--slavery, and he or she believes if you can take something from that person, you basically own that person. The final game that is played is denying the person a voice; that individual believes he has been denied a voice and lashes out because of it, and is therefore justified in denying the "victim" a voice.
The symbol for revenge is a pentacle. A five pointed star. It has been associated with witches and their power, but that is an obfuscation. If you look at the pentacle, you see that there is nothing on the other side. No one has the same goal in a Pentacle of Power, and so the ultimate conclusion of revenge is that all the people undermine each other. At first, they appear to have the same goal, and lean on each other, but eventually the pentacle collapses.
If you stand on the principles that you have the right given to you by God to create the life you want without interference, and always functions for the highest good for all people, there are no obstacles to what you are doing. You can walk forward and get the life you want, and the pentacle cannot stop you.
The judgment placed on channels can back you into the corner. If you want something, you can be backed into the corner. Therefore, you must know in your heart that if something has been given to you by God, including your gift, no one can take it away from you.
What is strange is that oftentimes the possession is not the chief cause of the crisis, but the fact that you believe it inteferes with your capacity to solve the crisis in your family. People become unempowered first by conflict in your family. Our class, Getting Out of the Abyss, enables you to regain your power after traumatic events. You can resolve the conflict in your family. Start out with our Conflict Resolution brochures. Go to On The Rainbow Peace Store.
What would motivate someone to get revenge? Prejudice and ulterior motives. In cases of mental illness associated with hearing "evil" voices, look for inheritances, or valuable possessions. Who would benefit from someone being in a mental institution?
At the bottom of this page is a federal law that states that it is unlawful, punishable by stiff fines and prison terms, to go in disguise into someone's residence and to oppress them. Other white-collar crimes may be identity theft, fraud and embezzlement. Consider that it is possible to defend yourself from an event, and many people on the astral plane for several months or years is definitely an event.
Your comments are appreciated.