Revenge is never justified, but sometimes it seems that it is the only solution to a problem.
Just now, I published a post with song lyrics about a man who gets revenge on the astral plane to "get even" with four men who have killed his wife and actually torn him apart physically.
How can the legal authorities bring people to justice if there is no proof? Is vigilantism the right way to handle the situation when there is no proof?
The idea of astral revenge has been practices, I am sure, for centuries, but with communications being more global in nature, and the New Age movement making soul travel more acceptable and pervasive in society, this practice will continue to spin off and draw in more and more people. This is how a genocide works.
Most of us--I won't say all people--feel at times that we have been ripped apart by others in some way. But is it a misunderstanding, or an act of revenge or betrayal? How do we know? What is the truth?
Power games are coming up to be cleared now, also, and reaching their ultimate conclusions. The Games continue on until an innocent person is crucified.
If you have been using the astral plane for revenge, please understand there is a backlash to the games. If you are getting revenge and putting someone down because you believe you are justified to do so, you are about to go down while the person you are putting down will go up. This is Universal Law, and Universal Law is immutable.
No one is justified to put another person down. There is always a backlash to the Games.
Please read our Power Series books, starting with "The Pentacle of Power." You can order the books through our online catalog from On The Rainbow Peace Store. While you are on that page, click on the Classes page and find the Getting Out of the Abyss class. The second class deals with revenge, and helps to clarify where you stand.
Karen Holmes